There was a big party in my honor where I got to hang out with my aunts, uncles, cousins and even my great-grandmother.
Here is a picture of me with my second cousins. I thought only Arabs had lots of kids but this was definitely a big crew. There was so much giggling at that table. It was awesome!

And I finally got to meet Peanut in person. She was even better than I imagined. At first the timing of our naps was totally off and we weren't awake at the same time. But once I adjusted to the Eastern time zone, we got a chance to hang out and have a lot of fun.

Of course, I got some more quality time with my grandparents. Since I'm a California kid, they wanted to introduce me to snow so they made it snow at their house the last day of my trip. I was so impressed- I didn't think that could happen in April.

JJ came over to hang out with me a lot. He's one and a half years old so he's very cool and knows all sorts of tricks. He kept trying to have me run around with him but I need a little more time to hone my skills. In the meantime, we enjoyed hanging out in Grandma's lap together.

Thanks everyone for a fantastic trip!
hey Mooks! It was super nice to meet you! We had fun hanging out...can't wait to see you again soon. We just sent Papa and Gram on their way and they should be there tonight. Have fun! We sent lots of kisses with them!