I just came back from a trip to Michigan to meet my dad's family. It was so much fun. I got some very special treatment.

There was a big party in my honor where I got to hang out with my aunts, uncles, cousins and even my great-grandmother.
Here is a picture of me with my second cousins. I thought only Arabs had lots of kids but this was definitely a big crew. There was so much giggling at that table. It was awesome!

And I finally got to meet Peanut in person. She was even better than I imagined. At first the timing of our naps was totally off and we weren't awake at the same time. But once I adjusted to the Eastern time zone, we got a chance to hang out and have a lot of fun.

Of course, I got some more quality time with my grandparents. Since I'm a California kid, they wanted to introduce me to snow so they made it snow at their house the last day of my trip. I was so impressed- I didn't think that could happen in April.

JJ came over to hang out with me a lot. He's one and a half years old so he's very cool and knows all sorts of tricks. He kept trying to have me run around with him but I need a little more time to hone my skills. In the meantime, we enjoyed hanging out in Grandma's lap together.

Thanks everyone for a fantastic trip!