Thursday, January 31, 2013

Grandma at the park

Grandma has been working a lot at our place to help with Shakira. I decided to reward her with an outing to the park because it was such a beautiful day. Shakira came too but she just slept. Check out our pics. Not bad for January!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lovely Sunday

What a great day. After Shakira slept in, we all went for a beautiful stroll. It's been nice having my parents around so much.

Busted part 2

I'm not supposed to mess with dad's phone... I left another piece of evidence on his phone. Cool view of my foot, right?

Monday, January 14, 2013

My turn

Hello everyone. Mookie is napping so its my turn to say hello. Things are going well so far. I'm growing up a lot and I've been opening my eyes more so I can check out what's going. Mookie is always up to something so I have to keep alert!

Monday, January 7, 2013


I am not supposed to climb on the stools in the kitchen by myself. Mom says its dangerous because they are so tall. Well, sometimes I have to climb onto them to reach the things that I want, like my moms cell phone. I almost got away with it until my mom found these pictures on her phone. Next time I will have to destroy the evidence...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Assembly time

I am letting Shakira use some of my toys that I have outgrown. Here I am putting together her swing. I think she likes it!