Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Serena And I...

Here I am chilling with Serena Williams.

If you click on the picture you can see more clearly. She's the one in the green getting ready to crush a forearm. I'm the international superstar.

Go Mom!

I got this e-mail today and I thought you guys would be interested in some very important news:

Subject: New Deputy Directors of the GI Fellowship Program

Drs. [Some Dude, Some Other Guy and What's His Name] are pleased to annouce the appointment of [Dude #2, Dude #3] and Najwa [Mommy!] as Deputy Program Directors for the UCSF GI Fellowship Program. We collectively feel that the addition of [Moe, Larry] and Najwa to the leadership structure of the training program will greatly enhance the training experience for the fellows on many levels. More details regarding their specific roles and responsibilities will be distributed to the trainees and faculty in the near future.

And she did it all while raising the most perfect child in the world. Unbelievable.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Solid Food!

I'm very appreciative of the milk Mom has been providing me over the last several months, but boy was I excited to try some solid food yesterday!

The rice cereal was delicious. Now I can't wait for pizza, kabobs and mahshie!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Physical Fitness

I was obviously born with a very mature mind, but I have had to slowly improve my physical abilities over time.

First, there was the struggle with tummy time- which I ultimately mastered. Then, I learned how to roll over. Now, I can sit up all by myself!

I'm still working on crawling. That has been a tough one, but my parents keep reassuring me that I'm making progress. Here are some clips from one of my recent training sessions.

No matter how hard I kick, it seems I mostly go backwards.

Looks like I have more practicing to do!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm still almost crawling. Which, as my Dad reminds me, isn't crawling. Crawling would be better. That's what Dad says.

But I'm spending lots of time on the floor, rolling around back and forth from my belly to my back. I even learned how to sit up on my own.

It's not that I'm not trying to crawl. I'm trying real hard. I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.

Instead I just get all worked up and start kicking my legs and wiggling my arms really fast. Dad says it looks like I'm trying to swim. He does have a point.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday, wake up in the late afternoon.

I'm hungry. Snack attack, Mom!

It's all about the Hamilton's!

Learning how to sing

I've been working on this little number for a while. What do you guys think?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hanging with Dad

Pop had a pretty long week at work. So when he got home tonight we chilled on the couch and watched the game. Proper.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Surprise trip to Michigan

I had to make a last minute trip to Michigan recently for a top secret mission. It was kind of a tough time for my Dad. Here we are at Metro Airport, just after we got off our flight. I'm trying to cheer him up.

The good news is we got to catch up with a lot of old friends.

Here I am with all of my cousins.

We're not the easiest group to photograph if you don't act fast.

Of course, no trip to Michigan is complete without a visit with one of my favorite guest bloggers. Peanut, reach!

Some pictures

Hey all! Haven't talked to you in a while so I wanted to check in and show you some exciting pictures.

Since we last talked I've grown a ton. Most of my weight was apparently gained in my cheeks.

I'm learning how to roll over too. My Dad says it won't be long and I'll be crawling.

Here I am hanging out in my parents' hotel room.

And smiling at Momma in my car seat. Smiling in the car seat is something of a rare occurrence.

My Mom made me wear my hat like this. How embarrassing.

Giving kisses to my Dad. When I give Dad kisses I really put my whole body into it.

Here I am at the grocery store with my Mom. Yet another hat.