I got to spend a lot of time with my grandfather. We have a lot in common. For example, he likes to nap as much as I do.

Uncle Wael proposed to Ruba! I'm so excited because she's very nice. She introduced me to a new friend. His name is Mickey Mouse and she promised me she would take me to Disneyland some day. I can't wait.

On the night that Uncle Wael proposed, we had a small party in downtown LA where I got to hang out with Uncle Danny and Crissy again.

Then, my grandmother (I know- no one believes she could be a grandma) threw me a huge party. Doesn't she look beautiful?

The party was off the hook- lots of food, music and dancing. Even though I may have appeared to be napping the whole time, I was totally digging every minute of it.

Even my mom dressed up for the occasion.

I was so happy about the whole thing. It was so nice to have a big party in my honor.

I'm back home now. I'm planning just to chill and recover from all the festivities.