Here I am everyone!

I have to say it was a pretty wild experience all in all. My mom woke up around 1 a.m. with somewhat serious contractions and by 9:30 her water broke. By the time we got to the hospital her contractions were getting pretty close together and she was in pretty serious pain. So they gave her an epidural to ease the pain, which worked immediately and very effectively. Except, out of nowhere my heart rate dropped very low and the doctors were having a hard time getting it back up. My Dad said he had only gotten to the hospital for a few minutes and there were like seven people in scrubs running into her room. They started to wheel her off to emergency surgery but then my heart rate came back up. Dad was pretty scared. This happened about four times so they decided to do the surgery and then next thing I knew I was here.
I once heard of this comedian, Steven Wright, who said he was born C-Section so now every time he leaves a house he goes through the window. (Little comedy for the fans).
So here I am making my grand entrance. That's my head coming out of my Mom's belly. Pretty cool, right?

Dad took almost all of these pictures right in the operating room. He said that was an experience he will definitely never forget.
He is my hand emerging from my previous living arrangement.

Here I am again with SOME of the doctors and nurses who were part of my welcoming party. See them holding me in the foreground?

That's my Dad cutting my umbilical cord.

Here I am getting weighed. 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long.

Here's Dad trying to comfort my while they finished Mom's surgery. This is right in the operating room. I was crying so hard, but when I heard my Dad's voice I immediately settled down and tried to look for him.

And here I am meeting my Mom for the very first time.

And here I am meeting my Mom for the very first time. Pretty cool.